Saturday, September 24, 2011

Charting for Fertility

I cannot stress how important it is to chart your cycles while you are trying to conceive, especially if you are having difficulty becoming pregnant. Charting your fertility signs allows you to pinpoint your ovulation so that you can time your baby dancing sessions appropriately. It can also help to diagnose certain conditions that may be causing irregularities or issues with the cycle. Many women assume that they ovulate on day 14 of their cycle - this COULD be true if the woman has a 28 day cycle. However, every woman's cycle is different. Some women may have shorter cycles and others may have 36-40 day cycles. If you base your baby dancing sessions on the cycle day 14 rule and you have a 38 day cycle, chances are you are missing the ovulation window completely! This is where charting comes in handy. You will use basal body temperature, cervical mucus and cervical position to help confirm ovulation. Check out or to help you get started with charting today!