Studies have shown that DHA, docosahex aeonic acid, is crucial to brain development. How are you getting DHA into your diet???
DHA is found in fish, fish oil, and specialty egg and dairy products. If you diet is lacking in these foods, there are many fish oil supplements available. Please be sure to take a fish oil that is derived from smaller fish such as anchovies and sardines due to the lower amounts of mercury in these varieties. Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega was the supplement recommended to my by my acupuncture doctor when I was trying to conceive the first time around. The DHA - EPA Omega 3 Institute is a great resource and has a table highlighting different food sources and the amounts of DHA and Omegas in each.
According to a report in, Life Extension Magazine, "in the human infant, brain development undergoes its most rapid and complex growth during the last trimester of pregnancy and the first two years after birth." The report further goes on to explain that the fetal and infant brain is unable to convert ALA (plant derived Omega 3) into DHA and thus almost solely depends upon the mother for its supply. The report is very compelling, I urge you to take a look ~ especially if you are trying to conceive.