Monday, March 12, 2012

DHA for Baby's Brain Development

Studies have shown that DHA, docosahex aeonic acid, is crucial to brain development. How are you getting DHA into your diet???

DHA is found in fish, fish oil, and specialty egg and dairy products. If you diet is lacking in these foods, there are many fish oil supplements available. Please be sure to take a fish oil that is derived from smaller fish such as anchovies and sardines due to the lower amounts of mercury in these varieties.  Nordic Naturals Ultimate Omega was the supplement recommended to my by my acupuncture doctor when I was trying to conceive the first time around.   The DHA - EPA Omega 3 Institute is a great resource and has a table highlighting different food sources and the amounts of DHA and Omegas in each.

According to a report in, Life Extension Magazine, "in the human infant, brain development undergoes its most rapid and complex growth during the last trimester of pregnancy and the first two years after birth."  The report further goes on to explain that the fetal and infant brain is unable to convert ALA (plant derived Omega 3) into DHA and thus almost solely depends upon the mother for its supply.  The report is very compelling, I urge you to take a look ~ especially if you are trying to conceive.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Is Stress Causing Your Fertility Struggles?

In today's busy society, we are burdened, not so much with the acute stress of dangers such as predators or agressors, but more with prolonged accumulative stress that is derived from shouldering the burden of work, raising and supporting a family, making ends meet, worry about finances, worry over difficulties with fertility etc... It doesn't mean that the effects of the stress are any less harmful on the body. In fact, I would venture to say that the effects are probably worse in the long run since your body is constantly in a state of panic (fight or flight).

Acute stress elicits a number of responses within the body. The adrenal glands, in response to the stress, release adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline raises the heart rate and blood pressure while also increasing energy. Cortisol is the primary "stress hormone" and is mainly responsible for increasing glucose in the bloodstream. According to an article published by the Mayo Clinic, "Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with regions of your brain that control mood, motivation and fear."

When we are in a constant state of stress, our bodies are constantly in that "fight or flight" mode, panicked, and overtaxed. It's no wonder that infertility rates are on the rise with a growing number of couples receiving "unexplained infertility" as a diagnosis. It's most likely stress that is causing these alarming struggles.

Although we may not be able to eliminate all of the stress in our lives, we can do things to alleviate it and help our bodies to stay calm and relaxed. I work with clients, using Reiki, to encourage relaxation and help them to let go of any stress or tension they may be holding onto in the body.

If you are struggling to conceive, consider evaluating the stress in your life and whether or not it can be eliminated or alleviated. Find a wellness center and get regular treatments. Try Reiki, acupuncture, massage, yoga, get a facial, or aromatherapy. By lowering your body's response to the stress you may conceive naturally!

If you are in the Rhode Island area, visit us at Holistic Health RI where we offer a variety of holistic therapies all under one roof (Reiki for fertility, acupuncture, pregnancy massage, massage therapy, holistic counseling, nutrition, aromatherapy and much more)!

ABC news published an interesting story on stress and fertiliy:


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Red Raspberry Leaf

Wise women and midwives have been recommending red raspberry leaf, Rubus, for fertility and pregnancy for centuries. Not to be confused with the raspberry fruit itself, raspberry leaf (RRL) is a uterine tonic packed with many vital minerals and nutrients. Specifically, RRL is highly concentrated with vitamin C, A and B complex as well as easily assimilated iron and calcium; not to mention minerals - phosphorus and potassium. Essentially, it is a powerhouse herb! It contains fragrine, an alkaloid which tones the muscles of the pelvic region, especially the uterus. In her book Wise Woman Herbal for the Childbearing Year, Susan Weed states that brewed as a tea or infusion,
Rubus is the best known, most widely used, and safest of all uterine /pregnancy tonic herbs.
She goes on to say that drinking a brew of RRL before pregnancy can increase fertility in both men and women! So, if you are struggling with fertility, consider buying some loose leaf red raspberry leaves and creating your own brew to drink daily. Not only will it help to tone the muscles of the uterus, but the many vitamins and minerals will help boost overall health as well! To make a single cup of tea: Take 1 tsp of loose RRL and pour 6 oz of boiling water over. Let the tea steep for 5-10 minutes, strain and press out the leaves to receive all the benefits. If you like a sweet tea, add a bit of honey, stevia or agave nectar. To make an infusion: Place 1/4 cup of the loose leaves in a quart sized jar, pour boiling water over the leaves and allow the infusion to steep for 4-8 hours. Strain the brew, being sure to press the leaves - place back in the jar and refrigerate. Drink iced or reheated throughout the day, sweeten with honey, stevia or agave nectar to taste. Red raspberry leaf does have an earthy flavor - consider adding some peppermint to lighten it up some.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Charting for Fertility

I cannot stress how important it is to chart your cycles while you are trying to conceive, especially if you are having difficulty becoming pregnant. Charting your fertility signs allows you to pinpoint your ovulation so that you can time your baby dancing sessions appropriately. It can also help to diagnose certain conditions that may be causing irregularities or issues with the cycle. Many women assume that they ovulate on day 14 of their cycle - this COULD be true if the woman has a 28 day cycle. However, every woman's cycle is different. Some women may have shorter cycles and others may have 36-40 day cycles. If you base your baby dancing sessions on the cycle day 14 rule and you have a 38 day cycle, chances are you are missing the ovulation window completely! This is where charting comes in handy. You will use basal body temperature, cervical mucus and cervical position to help confirm ovulation. Check out or to help you get started with charting today!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Body's ph Levels and Fertility

I have recently been introduced to the concept of alkalizing the body for health.  The body's ph levels are affected by everything that we consume.  With today's processed, highly acidic foods, and high stress lifestyle it is probable that most people's ph levels are more in the acidic range.  When the body is acidic, all kinds of things go awry.
A healthy ph level is conducive to all of our bodily functions.  The body is able to assimilate minerals and nutrients when the ph level is balanced.  When the body is acidic, essential minerals and nutrients are leached from our bones and vital organs/tissues, creating deficiencies not to mention that most diseases and infections thrive in acidic environments.
In relation to fertility and conception, keeping the ph level at a balanced state is necessary.  If cervical mucus becomes too acidic, it can become a hostile environment for the sperm, which favor an alkaline existence.  Also, if the male's ph level is acidic it can hinder sperm production and quality resulting in diminished chances of conception.  All the more reason to get your body balanced!
There are several articles that snagged my ineterest that I would love to share with you:

There are many natural ways to balance your ph levels.  Eating a diet consisting of 70-80% alkaline foods and keeping acidic foods to 20% is the best way.  Eating lots of fruits and vegetables and limiting meat and dairy intake can certainly help.  Here is an alkaline food chart to get you started.  Don't try to eliminate all acidic food from your diet, instead focus on adding in more alkaline.  Work your way up to the 70-80% alkaline foods.
Ph testing strips are available for testing the ph in your urine and saliva.  If you suspect that your ph may be acidic, consider purchasing the strips (very inexpensive $8-$10) and testing two to three times per week while adding in alkaline foods.  If you are overly acidic, there are alkalizing drops that you can add to water, vibrant health green food to add to a smoothie, and also aloe vera juice which is extremely alkalizing.
If you are struggling with fertility, check your ph and see if an alkaline diet helps restore your fertility.  With the cost of assisted reproductive technologies, changing your diet may be the most affordable solution to the problem!

Friday, June 3, 2011

Lost in the 'Trying'

Sometimes when struggling with fertility, it is easy to get lost in the 'trying' aspect of it all; charting cycles, temps, all that good stuff.  It gets even more complicated if you are going through assisted reproductive technologies with constant bloodwork, ultrasounds, shots, meds, more ultrasounds, tests, etc... It's easy to put the focus on all of those things and lose sight of what you are actually trying to achieve.

It is really important to remember what the main goal is - becoming a parent!  So, start by visualizing yourself as a mother/father.  Start clearing that spare room that is going to be the nursery and set the intent.  Buy some children's books and set them in the space, a teddy bear, onesie...whatever baby items that call to you and start putting this mothering/fathering intent out to the universe.  Let that little soul know that you are ready for them!

Reiki is all about intention, love and light. A session can really help to balance the body energetically and clear the space (so to speak) to make room for that new little being to come into existence and to help set the intent for becoming a parent.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

An Article Discussing the Benefits of Reiki for Natural Fertility and During Pregnancy

This is a great article discussing the benefits of Reiki sessions pre-conception to reduce stress and anxiety and help restore all of the body's systems to a natural state of health to promote fertility and conception.  It also states some wonderful statistics on the benefits of Reiki during pregnancy - for minimizing morning sickness and anxiety.