Monday, February 27, 2012

Is Stress Causing Your Fertility Struggles?

In today's busy society, we are burdened, not so much with the acute stress of dangers such as predators or agressors, but more with prolonged accumulative stress that is derived from shouldering the burden of work, raising and supporting a family, making ends meet, worry about finances, worry over difficulties with fertility etc... It doesn't mean that the effects of the stress are any less harmful on the body. In fact, I would venture to say that the effects are probably worse in the long run since your body is constantly in a state of panic (fight or flight).

Acute stress elicits a number of responses within the body. The adrenal glands, in response to the stress, release adrenaline and cortisol. Adrenaline raises the heart rate and blood pressure while also increasing energy. Cortisol is the primary "stress hormone" and is mainly responsible for increasing glucose in the bloodstream. According to an article published by the Mayo Clinic, "Cortisol also curbs functions that would be nonessential or detrimental in a fight-or-flight situation. It alters immune system responses and suppresses the digestive system, the reproductive system and growth processes. This complex natural alarm system also communicates with regions of your brain that control mood, motivation and fear."

When we are in a constant state of stress, our bodies are constantly in that "fight or flight" mode, panicked, and overtaxed. It's no wonder that infertility rates are on the rise with a growing number of couples receiving "unexplained infertility" as a diagnosis. It's most likely stress that is causing these alarming struggles.

Although we may not be able to eliminate all of the stress in our lives, we can do things to alleviate it and help our bodies to stay calm and relaxed. I work with clients, using Reiki, to encourage relaxation and help them to let go of any stress or tension they may be holding onto in the body.

If you are struggling to conceive, consider evaluating the stress in your life and whether or not it can be eliminated or alleviated. Find a wellness center and get regular treatments. Try Reiki, acupuncture, massage, yoga, get a facial, or aromatherapy. By lowering your body's response to the stress you may conceive naturally!

If you are in the Rhode Island area, visit us at Holistic Health RI where we offer a variety of holistic therapies all under one roof (Reiki for fertility, acupuncture, pregnancy massage, massage therapy, holistic counseling, nutrition, aromatherapy and much more)!

ABC news published an interesting story on stress and fertiliy:


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